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What is Doura?

Doura brings the reactivity to React. It's provided an intuitive and simple way to manage state. It has a powerful type system which all types can be inferred. Doura also splits the model from store, which means you can write your models and share it arcoss projects easily. Doura can be used as a global store(redux), shared stores(React Context) or local store(useReducer).


Doura is greatly inspired by Immer, Vue.js and Pinia. Thanks for their excellent work.


import { defineModel } from 'doura'
import { useModel } from 'react-doura'

const todoModel = defineModel({
state: {
todos: [
id: 0,
text: 'read books',
isFinished: true,
id: 1,
text: 'play games',
isFinished: false,
/** @type {'all' | 'unfinished'} */
filter: 'all',
views: {
unfinishedTodos() {
// autocompletion! ✨
return this.todos.filter((todo) => !todo.isFinished)
filteredTodos() {
if (this.filter === 'unfinished') {
return this.unfinishedTodos
return this.todos
actions: {
// any amount of arguments, return a promise or not
setFilter(filter) {
// you can directly mutate the state
this.filter = filter

export function TodoApp() {
// type of `filteredTodos` and `setFilter` are inferred automatically
const { filteredTodos, setFilter } = useModel(todoModel)

return (
onClick={(event) =>
setFilter( ? 'unfinished' : 'all')
<label htmlFor="filter">Only show unfinished</label>
{ => (
<li key={}>
<input type="checkbox" checked={todo.isFinished} />