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Using at Component Level

First create a model

import { defineModel } from 'doura'

const countModel = defineModel({
state: {
count: 0,
actions: {
inc() {
this.count += 1

Then bind your components.

import { useModel } from 'react-doura'

function Counter() {
const counter = useModel(countModel)

return (
<h1>Count: {counter.count}</h1>
<button onClick={}>inc</button>


If we only care a part of states, we should use selecotr to pick exact what we want:

import { useModel } from 'react-doura'

const userModel = defineModel({
state: {
name: 'aclie',
isLogin: false,
actions: {
login() {
this.isLogin = true

function Login() {
const { isLogin, login } = useModel(
(s) => ({
isLogin: s.isLogin,
login: s.login,
[] // deps of selector, empty means the seletor function won't change

return isLogin ? <div>Welcome</div> : <button onClick={login}>Login</button>

We could also pass a pre-defined selector function insteand of an inline function to eliminate the need of passing a dependencies array.

import { Selector } from 'react-doura'

const selector: Selector<typeof userModel> = (s) => ({
isLogin: s.isLogin,
login: s.login,

function Login() {
const { isLogin, login } = useModel(userModel, selector)

return isLogin ? <div>Welcome</div> : <button onClick={login}>Login</button>