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The state is, most of the time, the central part of your model. People often start by defining the state that represents their app.

import { defineModel } from 'doura'

export const countModel = defineModel({
// arrow function recommended for full type inference
state: {
// all these properties will have their type inferred automatically
count: 0,
name: 'test',
max: 100,

Accessing the state

By default, you can directly read and write to the state by accessing it through the model instance:

const counter = store.getModel('counter', countModel)


Note you cannot add a new state property if you don't define it in state, it must contain the initial state. e.g.: we can't do counter.secondCount = 2 if secondCount is not defined in state.

Replacing the state

You cann replace the state of a model by assgining the new state to $state:

const model = store.getModel('counter', countModel)

model.$state = { count: 24 }

Subscribing to the state

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